About us

We look forward to meeting you

Situated in the heart of Switzerland, Engelberg is the place to be if you want to have access to the fantastic alps.

In its earlier days Hotel Hoheneck was a simple inn for pilgrims visiting the monastery. Since then the hotel has had different owners and renamed Hotel Müller for some years.

Hotel Hoheneck has been owned since 2007 by Swedish business man Stefan af Petersens. Since taking over the hotel, Stefan has been developing and investing in the Hoheneck to turn it into a meeting point for visitors from all over the world.

Normally we have a strong live music profile during the winters, with live bands playing in Hoheneck Bar. Sometimes we have concerts in the Saal. The Saal is also where we serve our breakfast and dinner. This year we need to adapt to new regulations issued from the authorities. Check in our Web-Site for latest news.

IMOPORTANT; When making the reservation and before arriving to the hotel we expect you all to read through the GENERAL CONDITIONS thoroughly.

Our aim with our establishment is that you will feel so at home, you never want to leave.

Welcome to us!

Ursi van Muyden

Managing Director